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Alpaufzug Triftalp 2013
Experience tradition

Experience tradition

July - September

Pure tradition - Our alpine festivals, cow fights and yodelling festivals are legendary

In summer the famers of the Saas Valley let the cow and the goat out!

Absolute family fun! From June to September you have the opportunity to take part in original folklore events. Traditional alpine festivals characterise the Saas Valley summer. Experience beautiful days in good company and a fantastic atmosphere. Experience the exciting cow fights followed by a cosy party with raclette, music and other Valaisan specialities. Cultural entertainment for the whole family.

The program for 2025 will follow. You can look forward to alpine ascents and descents, yodeling fairs and other traditional festivals in the Saas Valley.


Saastal Tourismus AG
Obere Dorfstrasse 2
CH-3906 Saas-Fee

Tel. +41 27 958 18 58


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