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Swisstainable Destination
Swisstainable Destination


Together into a sustainable future

Sustainability is no longer a niche topic. It is becoming more and more important. It is time that we as a destination, but also as guests, take responsibility together and set the course in this direction. We are equipping ourselves for our future and that of future generations.


The sustainability programme Swisstainable has been extended from the individual businesses to the destination level. Now an entire destination can participate in the national tourism programme and thus contribute significantly to the sustainable development of Swiss tourism and position itself as a responsible destination.

The destination programme is divided into three levels in order to take into account the different requirements and the varying degrees of commitment of the tourism destinations.

Classification as a Swisstainable Destination

At the end of 2024, our destination reached its first milestone and was classified as a Swisstainable Destination Level 1 ,,committed''.

Mattia Storni, Head of Marketing and Product Management (responsible for sustainability) is delighted with the classification at Swisstainable Destination Level I - committed:

Being recognised as a Swisstainable Destination is both an incentive and a responsibility for us. For the Saas-Fee/Saas Valley holiday region, sustainability means harmonising ecological protection, social responsibility and economic development. As a destination, we focus on environmentally friendly mobility, regional value creation and community projects to ensure a future worth living for guests and locals.

Requirements for a Swisstainable destination ,,committed´´

Our vision

Sustainability plays a central role in our destination. Together with our service partners, we want to promote sustainability in our destination and lay the foundations for future generations. 

Requirements for Swisstainable businesses

Did you miss our webinar?

Here you can find the recording and the presentation of our webinar in cooperation with the Swiss Tourism Federation on 27.06.2023. 
Learn more about the programme and find answers to your questions.



Sandra Hilfiker
Responsible for the Swisstainable programme
Obere Dorfstrasse 2
3906 Saas-Fee | Valais, Switzerland
+41 27 958 18 68 |

Mattia Storni
Head of Marketing and Product Development
Responsible for sustainability
Obere Dorfstrasse 2
3906 Saas-Fee | Valais, Switzerland
+41 27 958 18 76 |

All about Swisstainable

In this collection you will find all the important links, documents and questions and answers about the Swisstainable programme.

Toolbox & FAQs